Mino Takahashi, Global Learning Center, Institute for Excellence in Higher Education, Tohoku University


Research Title:
How to Create Multicultural Collaboration in a Community: through the Case Studies at one of the Classrooms where International and Japanese Students Study Together at University

My definition of multicultural collaboration in the classroom setting is collaboration in which “students from various backgrounds can respect others’ human rights and learn with each other.” Human rights is one of the pillars that make this happen.
I have been teaching human rights education and researching in classrooms where international and Japanese students study together at university. I found that students from different backgrounds can learn with each other by learning the universal concept of human rights. This is an effective topic for all students as a starting point to think about their own experiences and share their views. The outcome of human rights education is not only obtaining knowledge of human rights, but also learning the skills and attitude necessary to create multicultural collaboration. I would like to pursue development of a universal human rights curriculum for university students by doing comparative studies, and to promote human rights education in Japan and overseas.


  1. 2016: “Case Study of An International Joint Class with International and Japanese students: Learning Effects and Approaches taken regarding Language” “Osaka Human Sciences, “Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University, page,151-169.
  2. 2012: “Determining the Effectiveness of Cross-Cultural Communication Through Collaborative Activities with International and Japanese Students,” “Cross-Cultural Exchange in Global Education,” Journal of International Conference for University of Mobility in Asia and the Pacific
  3. 2012: “Practicing Education for International Understanding through Language Learning in Japanese Primary Education”, “Ritsumeikan Studies in Language and Culture”, volume 23, number 4, page. 235-248.
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