01. 01, 2016
Case Study of An International Joint Class with International and Japanese students: Learning Effects and Approaches taken regarding Language” “Osaka Human Sciences, “Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University, page,151-169.01. 01, 2012
Determining the Effectiveness of Cross-Cultural Communication Through Collaborative Activities with International and Japanese Students,” “Cross-Cultural Exchange in Global Education,” Journal of International Conference for University of Mobility in Asia and the Pacific01. 01, 2012
Practicing Education for International Understanding through Language Learning in Japanese Primary Education”, “Ritsumeikan Studies in Language and Culture”, volume 23, number 4, page. 235-248.
01. 01, 2019
Practices and Challenges of Human Rights Education in Japanese Universities,” International Conference on Education for Human Rights and democratic Citizenship: the challenges of intergenerational justice, IOE, University College London, UK.01. 01, 2014
Tohoku University Internationalization by introducing one summer program in Vietnam”, APAIE Conference, Korea01. 01, 2013
Tohoku University’s Research Activities and Internationalization towards a Better Future,2nd APEC Conference on Cooperation in Higher Education in the ASIA-PACIFIC Region, Far Eastern Federal University, Russia